Decisions, Decisions
I had my 38 week appointment this morning and we discussed induction dates. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would ever have to schedule an induction! I am torn between what to do. I am 38 weeks today, 3 cm dialated and thinned out. I have been having labor signs for the past two weeks that have not really amounted to anything. So my midwife wants to schedule my induction for November 3rd when I will be 39 weeks 3 days. Normally that would be great except for the fact that Halloween is October 31st. I really don't want to miss Halloween. The boys are so excited, this is their favorite holiday next to Christmas. If I had a choice I would like to be induced this Tuesday or Wednesday. I would be 38 weeks 4/5 days and that way I can come home in time for trick or treating on Friday. The problem is that my midwife is not on call those days. So do I schedule it for Tuesday or Wednesday with a doctor that I have never met? Or do I just wait until Monday so that my midwife can induce me and just hope and pray this baby doesn't come on Halloween? I left my appointment with nothing scheduled, so I have to call back later today.
Hey Lisa, I don't know if this will make you feel better but I think you should schedule the induction with your midwife. It is more important to be with your midwife who you are very comfortable then a doctor that doesn't know your history as well. Your induction is for after Halloween so you will still be home for the boys and if you were to go into labor atleast a Halloween baby is much better then a Christmas baby.... Sorry, I know it is a hard decision but I would really want to have my doctor instead of someone who just doesn't know me as much. Good luck!
October 23, 2008 at 8:21 AM
Whatever you decide will be OK but I agree with Jennifer, I would really try and have my midwife with me - someone who had been through it all with me. It isn't the same having some random in there and it may make things uncomfortable. You will enjoy Halloween so much more if you don't have the baby till after. Hard decisions I know...
October 23, 2008 at 8:43 AM
I would wait and make your induction appointment with your midwife. I always got nervous that I would have a random deliver the my babies and I just don't feel like they know much about what you have been going through over the past nine months. Luckily I had the same midwife deliver both of my girls but it was luck. Just be prepared that you can go into labor anyday. I was 3-4 cms dilated and I went into labor a day or so later. They did strip my membranes though. Another thing to think about is if you set your induction for next Tuesday and you are home in time for Halloween you may not get to really enjoy it with the boys becuase you will be SO tired and trying to juggle so many things at once.
I hope some of this helps you with your decision. No matter what you decide it will be fine. And just think by Nov 3rd you will have your little bean here. YEAH!!!
October 23, 2008 at 9:19 AM
Thanks girls for the advice. I totally agree that in a perfect world I would love for my midwife to deliver me on the third after I got to totally enjoy Halloween with the kids. I just really, really don't want to miss Halloween (nor do I want my baby to have Halloween as their birthday :)). If I was guaranteed I wouldn't go into labor Thursday or Friday I would totally just hold out for the third. Maybe I should go back on my meds on the 30th? ;)
October 23, 2008 at 10:54 AM
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