Thursday, October 9, 2008

36 weeks and still pregnant!

How wonderful is it that I can sit here and type that title! I have been feeling fantastic since they took me off the medicine last week. We had a close call on Saturday so I ended up taking the terbutaline but other than that it has been smooth sailing. My midwife said if I went into labor anytime past today they would not try to stop it. I have told the little bean that as soon as its lungs are developed we would really like to meet him/her. I have several people who have requested this weekend, so we shall see what happens. Right now I am just enjoying my freedom and the last couple of weeks (days?) of pregnancy.


Blogger Jennifer said...

I am so glad everything is still going great with the pregnancy. You are in the home-strech now. Can't wait to hear the exciting news....

I love the bike pics, they are so cute!

October 9, 2008 at 1:50 PM

Blogger Jen Daniel said...

That's wonderful! Keep it up! I hated Tributaline too! I couldn't take it. It made me to jittery and it sped my heart rate up too high. Mine were born at 32 weeks, 4 days and came out breathing! Every day you keep this little bean in is just a bonus! Great job Mommy! I know it's rough.

October 10, 2008 at 9:26 AM


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