Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Poor Caroline!!

I was watching my friend's little boy on Monday since Bonnie is recovering from having Andrew on Sunday (yeah!!). When Dana came to pick Asher up, Caroline was playing in her jumperoo and all the sudden screamed out. I picked her up and she felt a little warm. I chalked it up to her "exercising" in the jumperoo and the sweater outfit I had her in. She was really whiny, which she never does. Dana even mentioned she had never seen Caroline act like that. So I took her temp and it was 102.4. So I striped her down to her onesie and waited 30 minutes. It was 102. So I called the doctor's and they said due to her age I needed to bring her in. I get to Children's and they take her temperature and it is 102.8. So she gets some tylenol and we see the doctor. He examines her and everything looks good--ears clear, nose clear, and her throat was fine. She was eating normally as well. You would think this would be a good thing right? WRONG!! When little babies develop high fevers for no reason, with no other symptoms they have to figure out why. Her fever had not come down with the normal Tylenol dose, so they had to give her additional Tylenol. Then they had to catheterize her to check her urine and draw her blood. Hands down one of the worst experiences of my life. She kept looking at me like "Why are you letting them do this to me?" She cried real tears. It was absolutely heart breaking. One of the nurses teared up when she saw how upset Caroline was. Pitiful is the only word to describe her at that point. So the test results come back and her white blood cell count is high and some other count was high as well. So they felt like it was a bacterial infection so they had to give her a shot of antibiotics. The nurse warned me that the shot would burn going in. Awesome. Three hours after arrival, we were headed home. She was up on and off all night. Her fever finally broke yesterday right before her follow up appointment with her doctor. They put her on oral antibiotics until the cultures come back clear. She is not doing well on the antibiotics. She fights us when we try to give them to her and she is having major tummy issues with them. I canceled her well check for this week. I feel like she has been through enough for one week. However she is 15 pounds 2 ounces. I don't have her height yet. Please say a prayer that the blood cultures come back negative and we don't have to keep her on the antibiotics for the full 10 days.


Blogger Kelly and Brent said...

Oh Lisa, I am so sorry Caroline (and you) had to go through this. It is the worse feeling in the world to see your baby in pain and then to be poked at because they can't figure out what is wrong. Hailey had to go through the same thing when she was two months old and we ended up having to stay in the hospital until they got the cultures back. I am SO happy you guys got to go home! I will say a little prayer for Miss Caroline! Hopefully it is just a bacterial thing and it will go away.

I know everyone with kids are counting down the days until flu season is over!

March 4, 2009 at 8:20 AM

Blogger Under a Green Roof said...

Hi Lisa! I am so sorry to hear about your awful trip to the doctor! I have loved reading your blog and hearing about your sweet family! They are so beautiful, reading the blog makes me feel like I know them! I am so glad to hear that you're doing well! Good luck fighting this ifection :)

March 4, 2009 at 9:25 AM

Blogger Jen Daniel said...

Oh Lisa! I'm so sorry to hear that Caroline is sick and had such a horrible experience. I know that must have been awful for you too. I know you must have been so nervous waiting to hear the results. Luckily, she won't remember this, but I know the image of her face looking up at you with that "Mommy, why?" expression is permanently imprinted in your brain. I'll say a prayer for her and I hope y'all get some rest soon.

March 4, 2009 at 7:47 PM

Blogger Katie Tucker said...

Hey Lis, I hope Caroline is feeling better as I am typing this. I am so sorry she had to get a catheder and that you had to watch her in so much pain. Hopefully I will see you guys soon when all is well. I'll keep you in my thoughts!

March 4, 2009 at 8:25 PM


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