Friday, June 13, 2008

As I have mentioned in an earlier post, not only am I pregnant but my three good friends from college are too! We were all KDs and our husbands were all FIJIs. I got to attend a fun shower for Karley who is due in July, last weekend. Miss Ella Grace got some very nice things! We took a picture of all of the preggos. Karley is on the left and she is due July 30th, Erin is due with Hannah Paige at the end of September, Baby Sanders will be here in October and Katie is expecting in December. This is the first time out of all three pregnancies that I have gotten to be pregnant with my college friends. I hope these babies will be as close as their mommies are!


Blogger Jennifer said...

Oh fun! I know you girls are all loving being preggo at the same time. That is so exciting, and all your little ones will definitely be friends :) Cute picture!

June 13, 2008 at 6:59 PM

Blogger Kelly and Brent said...

I love the picture of you girls! You all look great and how fun is it that you are all due so close to each other. :)

June 13, 2008 at 8:02 PM

Blogger The Gordon Family said...

Yeah I finally got to see this picture it is so cute, they all will be close. Maybe you and I can complete it with two more girls - then they are bound to be close. If not, our boys will marry their girls:)! Hope you are doing well.

June 14, 2008 at 7:13 PM


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